Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wait, how does this work...

Nothing like beating a dead horse, and really I don't love that phrase, but it works...

It is Sunday evening. It is 6:24 to be exact. I am in my new life, the life that is sans-teaching, but working full time. Forgive my list making, but maybe I am forgetting something...Laundry is done. House is clean. (has to be its up for sale) Lunches are semi-packed for tomorrow. Books are read. Okay. So now what?

I don't recall being in this position are entertained/entertaining themselves. Dinner is finished and cleaned away. So what do I do with myself? This is so odd.

I offered this blog up to a writer friend of mine and her reaction was of mild revulsion. Why? Extreme narcissism. My extreme narcissism to be exact. I guess she missed the disclaimer at the front, but anyway one of the points she emphasized was that I am NOT reinventing the wheel here. Women have been struggling with rearing children and being themselves/working, etc. for ages and I wasn't saying anything new. Blech. But I can't swallow that, somehow I can't do anything else BUT talk about this right now. I can't figure out another way to work through this. It's new territory and finding my way through it often feels like I am the first and only on who has done it. So true, not ground breaking stuff, for her, for many, but it is for me.

My point? I kind of lost it in there somewhere. But I think it was something to the effect of:

Now that I have some time to do something, what the heck do I do?

Life seems to me to be one big balancing act, and as soon as I am balanced someone throws another object at me and realignment begins again.

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