Saturday, January 30, 2016

Being a mom to a tween challenges me to be a better person. Or, wait, what?

Tween. noun.  A youngster between 10 and 12 years of age, considered too old to be a child and too young to be a teenager.

Tell me about it. 

The dichotomy of a tween is the height of unfairness for parents. Managing the expectations, YOUR expectations of what you think your tween should do or how they should act or look or talk or smell or anything - well it is a tremendous challenge. Let's face it, the tween stage is something akin to aliens replacing your child with a freshly cloned facsimile who is trying to learn what it is like to be a human being with zero experience and ultimately, limited success. Emotional, highly sensitive, easily irritated, full of attitude and prone to tear-filled outbursts... sounds eerily similar to my previous posts about toddlers. I mean you got through that phase only to be lulled into a false sense of NORMALCY, and now it is clear that Pixar's Inside Out movie is really your life. Your daughter is growing up and has all of these emotions and she is not a little girl anymore and seriously, wtf is happening? And now she is crying. Why is she crying?!

I have a tween.

She is sitting next to me at the table right now, chewing VERY LOUDLY with her mouth open. Despite my many protestations asking her, guiding her, willing her to close her mouth while she chews. Sigh. She is clueless to the fact that she is doing it.

At least I think she is.
Maybe she is just messing with me. I mean that bodes some investigation. If you have
a. been told
b. been shown - I mean I demo this
c. been instructed
I don’t know, umpteen times...and you still are not doing you not care? Do you not think about it? Or, help?

Sometimes I look back at the blogs about her when she was five. She is so much the same. So challenging. But harder now. Because now she is challenge laced with sass, and with a little bit of I know better - but only a little bit.

I wonder if other moms are going through what I am. I mean I am sure that they are faced with the mood swings, the cheek, the normal-ness of having a tween. I wonder if they feel it as sorely as I seem to. This bundle of raw emotions that I am regularly faced with - that the whole family is faced with - does it take up so much space for them, too?

My daughter has many special gifts, she is very silly - a wonderful quality in my eyes, and she is brilliant, she is kind - especially to animals, not so much to younger brothers, and she is a talented violinist. She is also hard.

K thanks.
She just texted me that. We text now. I mean why wouldn't we, she is just UPSTAIRS.

She is suspended between child and teenager. One minute I can see the young woman she is becoming...the next minute a little girl. Whip smart, sassy and starting to get boobs. Yet prefers shirts with cats on them and books about cats. Weeeee, loves cats! Even meows to me on occasion instead of using words. Can’t be bothered to brush her hair - or even to make sure that her socks are not sitting on top of her leggings. Or that only one is. Please brush your teeth. JUST PLEASE BRUSH YOUR HAIR. And yet, has shown an interest in boys.

Actual conversation:
When did you take your last shower?
Just did.
Well your hair doesn't smell like you did.
Oh, I didn't wash it.
Why not?
The potential for water getting in my eyes is too great.
So you last actually washed your hair WHEN?
Let me think...

Cut to me:

But of course I can't say that. BUT I WAS REALLY THINKING IT. Do other moms think that, too? They must. Someone please tell me they do, because one minute everything is great and the next minute I don't know what happened and she is in a fury-flare. And I should do what? 

I find myself sighing A LOT. Oh, and wishing I had the unlimited patience of my mother to see us through this madness. 



  1. Well, this being my last day of being a mom of a tween ( I will officially have a 13 year old tomorrow) I am now going to take you on a trip in your future, are you ready? :)
    When reading your blog I had to chuckle of course, loving every word, and found myself saying "Ah, those were the days." As time marches one day you wake up and find that those cute little things they do like animal sounds that make you stop and wonder are now long gone. One day they wake up in hysterical tears, you do damage control (which you never really do find out what the problem was) send them off to school. You wait in anticipation for them to get home from school to find out how they are, figuring no news is good news having not heard from school, all the while formulating your thoughts in order to have that "big talk", they get off the bus, you wait at the door, in a very soft soothing voice ask "How are honey? Better then this morning?" and she replies……."Fine, why, what happened this morning?" Wait, what? I'm sorry, am I in the Twilight Zone? No, maybe bizarro world. That was our first taste of the split personality of a pre-teen.

    Ok, that was easy. Problem averted? Do I have a little person who can let things roll? Hahahahaha! What a foolish woman I am! This was a precursor to the next phase, THE MOOD SWINGS! Talk about split personality! I've never told anyone this story but I think at this point it's time. This happens to be about my own weakness I suppose. Long story short, a normal calm conversation quickly escalated into heated debate, but pre-teen debate is always sprinkled with sarcasm and a sharp tongue. The moment she turned away from me to walk away (the point where my mom would've told me to "get back here, I'm not through!") I began to waive both middle fingers in the air at her behind her back, now looking like a complete lunatic. Needless to say it did make me feel a bit better and to this day she has no idea mom flipped her the bird! That I suppose would be where she pushed me to my limit.

    The good news is, in a couple of years showering will improve, I promise. Ours got better when she started to complain about the BO and bad breath that was permeating from others around her. I think it was an eye opener.

    Hang in there and know that this where the alliance forms, the pre-teen to teen moms alliance. We will stand together to defeat sarcasm, distain, eye rolling and body odor. And we will do it with dignity, not flipping birds, LOL.

    ……and yes, they are mental!

  2. And I have two!!! 😭😭😭

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
